Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Today We Start on Our Way

The Weather Eye tells me it is -3 here and 20 in Jerusalem.  Who would not want to be headed to Israel.  Things are calm and back to "normal"  and we trust they will stay that way.  We have been in regular contact with Weglos at the Garden Tomb.( For those who don't know, they are a couple from Vernon that have become very good friends over the last few years)  Don and Glenda have already invited us for supper after we arrive on Thursday .  And I don't think we start work on Friday as it will give us some break from jetlag.  And it will also be my 67th birthday.  Will be the third time in four years to have my birthday in Jerusalem.  Not that we planned it that way.

Last night was Christmas at our house.  We had our local part of the family over for supper and had set up the Christmas tree and stockings.  Was a surprise for the grandchildren.  Tree was down and decorations put away before we went to bed.  But it was fun.  Wish Caleb and Don, Linda , Marrisa and Isaac could have been with us as well.

Donna is busy cleaning and doing the laundry.  We have people from Saskatchewan staying in the house for the three months.  I am headed into town to clean the road salt and mess offf the car and then want to cancel the insurance.  The folks that will stay here come after lunch so we will help to get them settled in.  Just after 3 we head to the airport.  Stay near the Vancouver airport tonight as we have to be there at 5am.  Then on to Toronto with a short stop and Wed. night overnight to Tel Aviv. 

We sure appreciate all those that will be praying for us.  If you want to know a little more about the Garden Tomb, they have a new web sight up.  Has a great picture on the front screen.  We will be living in the garden for the 3 months.  There are about 8 small apartments on one side of the garden.  God willing, our next blog will be written from there.  The link is  http://www.gardentomb.com  Blessings, Gord and Donna

1 comment:

  1. Have been praying for you today - I was in Abbotsford overnight and almost came out to the airport but it was way too early for a senior like me. Happy BIrthday Gord, you have caught up once again. BLessings and prayers Donna to you as well.
