Believe it or not, I just lost all the first input for this. Was trying to insert a picture. So here goes again.
We had a good 3 flights to Israel. Donna had packed so that we were right on the maximum in suitcases and carry on. We brought some food items that are harder to get here but will sure taste good. Not much sleep in the hours of travel so we were pretty tired yesterday afternoon when we arrived(Thur) Did meet a man on the flight that is related to Bob Bouma and Thea. He is going to Guatamala with a team from our home church. Was on the plane from Toronto.
Don and Glenda met us at Ben Gurian Airport and it was great to see them. The Garden Tomb owns two cars that we can use on days off. Trouble is if we drive away from her, I am not sure I could ever get home again. You would understand if you could see the maze of streets. Was 25C when we arrived. When we reached our apartment, it was 1:45 so we were able to join the team for devotions. Then to our rooms to unpack. Had some time later to wander around. Picture an acre of property nestled in among trees and rocks. They have done a great job of hiding the apartments at the edge of the property. And there are many palces the tour groups from around the world can have a quiet place to worship and have a communion serive if they desire. Our guiding involves taking them to Skull hill and showing the spot where the crucifixtion may have taken place. Now it is on the edge of a Palestinian bus depot. Just to the left of the picture above is Skull Hill. Then we show them other parts of the garden including the large water cistern (over 1 million litres) and the wine press. The last site is the tomb itself. Most groups then take time for some worship.
In the short tme I was out yesterday there were groups from Russia, Papua New Guinea, Brazil, Nigeria and of course Canada and the USA. It is wonderful to hear them singing. More on that in future blogs.
Last night the Weglos had us over for supper. They live in a unit right behind ours. After a short visit, we were ready for bed. Jetlag hits hard. Donna does not sleep much on flights. At about midnight we were both awakened with the sounds of what sounded like gun shots. They were fireworks being fired off to celebrate the Palestinian vote in the UN. Of course from a dead sleep and knowing what happened lately in Gaza, it does take a moment to figure it all out. Just got back to sleep and they did it again.
This picture is taken rigtht outside our front door. Or unit is more then we expected. We even have an ensuite washroom. They had enough food in the cupboards and fridge to get us going the first couple of days. This morning we woke up at 6:30. This is our recovery day they give us. So we meet staff and figure things out. Glenda took us out around the streets to show us where she does most of her grocery shopping. You would find it very interesting. It will work just fine for Donna and we can get to bigger stores if we want. Forget your food safe when you come here. Baking and meat are hanging in the street. Seller is likely smoking while passing it it too you with bare hands. I know one bakery I will try to avoid. The man licked his fingers before trying to seperate some bags. Then with the same hands , we picked up the buns and put them in the bag. Germs are good for you??
This picture in the garden is just 30 feet from our front door. We are not suffering. Well we are off to the staff devotions. Maybe a snoozethis afternoon. Greetings to all. Gord and Donna
Wonderful to know that you arrived safely! Nice to be welcomed with friendly people and such a beautiful decor. Thanks for sharing these details, give us a view of your place and ministry without being there. Wish you rest and a wonderful blessing to guide those groups in the worship of the living Savior. Love, Pierre & Hanna