Friday, 16 November 2012

Just Eleven Days Until Planned Departure

Donna and I are booked to leave Lavington on Nov 27th.  Several have been asking what the fighting in Gaza will mean for our trip.  The answer is that we do not know.  I have had two emails from Jerusalem this morning and even though there was an air raid siren as two rockets were fired in that direction, life in the city is pretty much the same as usual.  Of course if the fighting erupts into a war, then our plans will need to change.  For those never having been to Israel, for the last number of years there has been constant tension and rockets in the Gaza area.  Tours have not been affected.  Even today, the tours are still doing the regular sites.
Donna and I are praying that God would make it very clear as to what we should do.  We value your prayers not only for this decision, but for our ministry at the Garden Tomb, should we be able to go as planned. 

This is the first Blog I have sent out to a bit of a mailing list.  We hope to update  it a few times each week when we are in Jerusalem.  Will also try to include some pictures.  Feel free to respond in the comment section or feel free to email us directly.  We will be using our regular email address.  Blessings. Gord and Donna


  1. Tried to comment on an earlier blog but it kept saying the characters were wrong so will try again. Have a great birthday as you travel and then you will be as young as Donna and I once again. :) Stay safe and be a blessing.

  2. Your blog looks great dad! We will be praying along with you for clear direction in the next week.
    Love Ruth

  3. Hey Grandpa cool blog. Hope you will be able to go!

