Saturday, 24 January 2015


We are getting very close to our second time serving at the Garden Tomb.  We plan to attend Caleb
( our oldest grandson) and Andreas' wedding on the 31st.

Reception is at 4:30 and we will have to leave by 6:30 for the Kelowna airport.  Overnight in Vancouver and fly Sunday morning at 8  to Toronto with a short stop and on to Tel Aviv.
We should arrive Monday the 2nd around noon.  We are to have immediate guests.  Our good friend and missionary, Pierre Jutra and one of the Polish believers that I have met on a work project, are on a short tour of Israel.  We hope to be able to spend time with them that afternoon and the next day.  The Garden gives us a day after we arrive to settle in and get over a bit of the jet lag.  It will also be our time to get to the grocery store and stock up a bit.

We had not planned to do a blog this trip but had a number of people ask us if we would.  So we will give it a try.  I will send out an email each time we update the blog.

We would really appreciate your prayers.  Many have questions about safety and we do appreciate prayer for that.  The reason we are going to the Garden is to be able to share with Christians about the resurrection.  We want to help believers have their faith encouraged.  There is also a wonderful opportunity to share a message of salvation as many that come to the Garden are not believers.  We would love to be used in clearly sharing that Jesus died for our sins, was buried and rose again that we might be forgiven and have eternal life.  This is the big issue on my heart as we go to serve and we need your prayers.